- Services
- Data storage
- Block storage
We offer services of the Modular Data Vault based on SATA, SAS and SSD disks and operating under FCP and iSCSI protocols powered by one of the best data storage solutions for virtualization environments – high-performance Hewlett Packard Enterprise 3PAR of 74xx and 84хх product lines.
- All components of the solution are redundant and have no single point of failure.
- Use of SSD cash to accelerate read operations of slower disks.
- The capability of using tearing mechanism to allocate data at disk arrays of various types: SAS (~45%), SATA (~50%), SSD (~5%).
- Virtual server migration without service interruption and with minimal overhead costs using Dynamic Optimization mechanism.
- Disk space virtualization to achieve maximum performance and cost reduction with the use of RAID-5 and RAID-6fail protection mechanisms. •
- Special organization of low-level data storage for minimizing disk array rearrangement time in the event of disk failure.
- Capability of aggregation of all-flash arrays with variable disk type arrays into a federation to allow seamless inter-array load balancing.
- Guaranteed allocation of predetermined disk space within the framework of Priority Optimization mechanism with the preset IOPS performance and the latency within virtual infrastructure based on all-flash arrays.
- Use of Peer Persistence functionality to arrange a disaster-proof cluster based on two Moscow data centers and automation of inter-site switching without the need for additional solutions, such as VMware Site Recovery Manager.
An opportunity to use the Data Vault both as part of virtual infrastructure and as a stand-alone service is offered.
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